
Benthic Habitat Mapping

Greene, H.G., Barrie, V. (Eds.), 2011. Potential Marine Benthic Habitats of the San Juan Archipelago. Geological Survey of Canada Marine Map Series, 4 Quadrants, 12 sheets, scale 1:50,000.

Pacific Sand Lance Subtidal Habitats

Greene, H.G., Wyllie-Echeverria, T., Gunderson, D., Bizzarro, J., Barrie, V., Fresh, K., Robinson, C., Cacchione, D., Penttila, D., Hampton, M., and Summers, A., 2011. Deepwater Pacific Sand Lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) Habitat Evaluation and Prediction in the Northwest Straits Region. Final Report to the Northwest Straits Commission, Mount Vernon, WA, 75.

Greene, H.G., Cacchione, D.A., and Hampton, M.A., 2017. Characteristics and dynamics of a large sub-tidal sand wave field – Habitat for the Pacific sand lance (ammodytes peronatus), Salish Sea, Washington, USA. In Lucieer, V., Dolan, M., and Lecours, V., (Eds.), Special Issue: Marine Geomorphometry, Journal of Geosciences, 7, 107, 338-361.

Bizzarro, J.J., Peterson, A.N., Blaine, J.M., Balaban, J.P., Greene, H.G., and Summers, A.P., 2016. Burrowing behavior, habitat, and functional morphology of the Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus). Fishery Bulletin, 114(4), 445-460.

Matthew R. Baker, Kresimir Williams, H.G. Greene, Casey Greufe, Heather Lopes, John Aschoff, Rick Towler, Use of manned submersible and autonomous stereo-camera array to assess forage fish and associated subtidal habitat, Fisheries Research, Volume 243, 2021, 106067, ISSN 0165-7836, .

Greene, H. Gary, Matthew R. Baker, John Aschoff, and Robert Pacunski. 2021. “Hazards Evaluation of a Valuable Vulnerable Sand-Wave Field Forage Fish Habitat in the Marginal Central Salish Sea Using a Submersible.” Oceanologia. .

Greene, H.G., Cacchione, D.A., and Hampton, M.A., 2017. Characteristics and dynamics of a large sub-tidal sand wave field – Habitat for the Pacific sand lance (ammodytes peronatus), Salish Sea, Washington, USA. In Lucieer, V., Dolan, M., and Lecours, V., (Eds.), Special Issue: Marine Geomorphometry, Journal of Geosciences, 7, 107, 338-361; http://doi:10.3390/geosciences7040107

Greene HG, Baker MR, Aschoff, J. 2020. A dynamic bedforms habitat for the forage fish Pacific sand lance, San Juan Islands, WA USA. In Peter T. Harris and Elaine K. Baker, editors. Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat, Second Edition. Elsevier Science. GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats pp. 1094.


Barrie, J. Vaughn, and H. Gary Greene. 2018. “The Devils Mountain Fault Zone: An Active Cascadia Upper Plate Zone of Deformation, Pacific Northwest of North America.” Sedimentary Geology 364: 228–41. .

Greene, H. Gary, J. Vaughn Barrie, and Brian J. Todd. 2018. “The Skipjack Island Fault Zone: An Active Transcurrent Structure within the Upper Plate of the Cascadia Subduction Complex.” Sedimentary Geology 378: 61–79.